Sarah shares her passion, skills and natural history knowledge by teaching a variety of courses and day workshops in her home county of Hampshire and at other venues through out the UK and further afield (see list below). She is delighted that she can now bring her courses to an online audience, giving them the chance to make a connection to the natural world through art.
Her experience of working in education for many years and also ecology and conservation, combine in a dynamic way with her present career as an artist and tutor.
Sarah holds the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Certificate in Botanical Illustration (Distinction). She is also a member of the Eden Project Florilegium Society and an exhibiting member of the American Society of Botanical Artists. She was also been a Fellow of the Chelsea Physic Garden Florilegium Society and the Linnean Society.
In 2022 she was awarded the ASBA Botanical Illustrator Award for Excellence in Botanical Art. She has also been awarded a Certificate of Botanical Merit by the SBA (Society of Botanical Artists) and a Silver Medal by the RHS (Royal Horticultural Society).
She provides online tuition from her home studio, providing a variety of learning experiences within botanical and natural history art to suit all levels of experience and budgets. As well as for individuals she also provides in-person and online workshops for organisations and their members.
Much of her tuition focuses on the development of drawing skills which she considers to be the foundation of all aspects of botanical and natural science illustration. The aim is always for the learner to develop their own style rather than copy what Sarah draws or paints.
Her courses, workshops and personal tuition seek to inspire, encourage and motivate artists of any level of experience.
Teaching approaches are carefully planned and structured to suit group learning experiences as well as individual needs, both in person and online.
​​​Sarah is also qualified to teach in lifelong learning.
Teaching Experience
Art Tutor, Hants & IOW Wildlife Trust ~ 2005-2015
Independent Art Tutor ~ 2010 - present day
Art Tutor, Peter Symonds College AHED ~ 2012-2017
Art Tutor, Kingcombe Centre, Dorset Wildlife Trust ~ 2013 - 2020
Art Tutor Rums Eg Gallery, Romsey, Hampshire ~ 2014
Bath Society of Botanical Artists ~ 2016, 2017, 2020
Workshop Tutor, American Society of Botanical Artists, San Francisco Conference ~ 2017
Nature in Art, Gloucestershire ~ 2018
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh ~ 2018
Teaching cover tutor, Royal Botanic Garden, Kew ~2018
Birmingham Society of Botanical Artists ~ 2019
Irish Society of Botanical Artists ~ 2020 (online)
Oregon Botanical Artists ~ 2020 (online)
Master Demo Artist, American Society of Botanical Artists, Virtual Conference ~ 2020
New England Society of Botanical Artists ~ 2020 (online)
Reed Turner Botanical Artists, Illinois ~ 2020 (online)
Hampton Court Palace Florilegium Society ~ 2021 (online)
Botanical Artists Guild of Southern Alberta ~ 2021 (online)
Friends of Wellesley College Botanic Gardens, Massachusetts ~ 2021 (online)
Botanical Art Talk ~ organised by Julia Trickey ~ 2021 (online)
Irish Society of Botanical Artists ~ 2021 (online)
Eden Project Florilegium Society ~ 2021
Instructor, American Society of Botanical Artists, Virtual Conference ~ 2021
Pacific Northwest Botanical Artists ~ 2021 (online)
Phipps Conservatory & Botanical Gardens ~ 2022 (online)
North Carolina Botanical Gardens ~ 2022 (online)
Irish Society of Botanical Artists ~ 2022 (online)
Great River Chapter of ASBA ~ 2022 (online)
Instructor, American Society of Botanical Artists, Virtual conference ~ 2022
Bath Society of Botanical Artists ~ 2023
New England Society of Botanical Artists ~ 2023 (online)
Phipps Conservatory & Botanical Gardens ~ 2023 (online)
Sheffield Botanic Gardens Florilegium ~ 2023
Eden Project Florilegium Society ~ 2023
Chelsea Physic Garden ~ 2023
Royal Horticultural Society, Lindley Library ~ 2023
Transylvania School of Botanic Art & Illustration ~ 2023
Coming up in 2024
Phipps Conservatory & Botanical Gardens (online)
Institute of Analytical Plant Illustration (online)
Bruton Art Society, Somerset
Transylvania School of Botanic Art & Illustration
Course & Teaching Reviews
"Sarah is a terrific presenter. She is concise and thorough as well as organized.
She is easy to follow".
Zoom Studio Session Participant
"A fantastic four day course with Sarah Morrish. Sarah was a superb tutor as always, coping with a class of students at all different levels of botanical and nature illustration. She provided a very full programme with a stunning range of teaching resources. Her knowledge of the natural world is inspiring and she extended the teaching to include subjects such as bat detecting and the use of a moth trap".
"Sarah is a conscientious and excellent teacher. She is an extremely skilled and professional artist who is able to effectively impart her knowledge to her students. I have attended many of her courses and found them to be both enjoyable and instructive. I highly recommend her courses".
Kingcombe Centre Course Participants
"Sarah is an experienced and highly-respected artist. I have attended Sarah’s workshops and have been amazed at her level of knowledge, the amount of prep she must put in before each workshop and the support and guidance she gives to even the most apprehensive of students. Her enthusiasm is inspiring. I have attended many courses and workshops over the years, and would place those run by Sarah as amongst the best".
The Holt Workshop Participant